About AB Garments Accessories & Industries Ltd. It is a well-known and publicly accepted garment accessories manufacturing company in Bangladesh. We started our journey as an electrical company in 1976. Since that time, we have been manufacturing and supplying all sorts of electrical components and accessories.
Day by day, our company started to move forward and new departments were added. AB Garments Accessories & Industries Ltd is one of these new departments, where garment accessories are manufactured and these products are supplied from here.
AB Garments Accessories & Industries Ltd manufactures lots of high-quality garment accessories in its factory. Also, we supply these all over Bangladesh with reputation. A list of our accessories is given below:
AB Power Group of Company has a mother concern which is AB Power Engineering Ltd and its 3 sister concerns. AB Garments Accessories & Industries Ltd is one of these 3 sister concerns and is mentioned in this content. Now we discuss other sister concerns here:
Before buying garment accessories, you must ask yourself why should collect these from AB Garments Accessories & Industries Ltd. Some reasons are written below: